People start gathering approximately 15 minutes early to pray, No matter what question you might have just ask. Our greeters are there to help you get settled.
Sunday School 10:o0am
Sunday service 11:00am
Prayer and Bible study every Wednesday night at 6:30 & 7:00pm respectively
A worship service where Jesus is the main attraction where pleasing him is our one desire.
Worship: Sundays at 11:00am
It is through biblical teaching and preaching that lives are changed.We believe the in rightly dividing the word of truth for the purpose of fulfilling God's mission in the earth. Our goal is to help people develop an appetite for God's Word.
Biblical community is when we go life on life and say I am going to invite you in to my life and we are going to be better for it. In this community any relationship is only as healthy as the least healthy person in it.